Apollo 13 – the Ingenuity of Man in All Its Splendour

What it’s about Astronauts Lovell, Haise and Swigert of the Apollo 13 moon mission find themselves stranded when their spacecraft gets damaged. NASA must now find a way to bring them back before it is too late. Why you should watch it This film in nailbiting fashion tells the story of the fated Apollo 13Continue reading “Apollo 13 – the Ingenuity of Man in All Its Splendour”

Looper – a Single Moment Can Define a Lifetime

What it’s about In the near future, the mob sends their victims back in time to get them executed by the loopers. Joe, one such looper, finds himself to be the victim of his own actions. Why you should watch it This is a very clever film which does its very best not to beContinue reading “Looper – a Single Moment Can Define a Lifetime”

Saving Private Ryan – In A World Of Equals Does One Life Ever Merit Saving Over Another

What it’s about During the Normandy invasion of World War II, Captain John Miller is assigned the task of searching for Private James Ryan, whose three brothers have already been killed in the war. Why you should watch it This film is based on the sole survivor directive that the US implemented to stop aContinue reading “Saving Private Ryan – In A World Of Equals Does One Life Ever Merit Saving Over Another”

Gandhi – Nonviolence Is the Most Powerful Weapon for Change

What it’s about A lawyer, Mohandas Gandhi, returns to British India from South Africa. He begins a nationwide campaign of non-violent resistance against the British rule, pressuring Britain to liberate India. Why you should watch it Winner of nine Oscars, this film is a brilliant example of the power of nonviolence as a method forContinue reading “Gandhi – Nonviolence Is the Most Powerful Weapon for Change”

Twelve Years a Slave – Riveting Tale of the Human Cost of Slavery

What it’s about Based on a true story. Solomon Northup, a free African-American, is promised a fortnightly job by Brown and Hamilton. However, after arriving in Washington DC, he realises that he has been sold into slavery. Why you should watch it This film provides an excellent insight into the human cost of slavery andContinue reading “Twelve Years a Slave – Riveting Tale of the Human Cost of Slavery”

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas – Friendship Has No Prejudice

What it’s about Bruno is the eight-year-old son of the commandant at a concentration camp during WWII. His friendship with a Jewish boy he meets across the fence leads to unexpected consequences. Why you should watch it Is hatred for those who think different to us in our blood or do we learn to hateContinue reading “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas – Friendship Has No Prejudice”

Schindler’s List – The Kindness And Cruelty Of Man

What it’s about Based on a true story. Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist and member of the Nazi party, tries to save his Jewish employees after witnessing the persecution of Jews in Poland. Why you should watch it One of the most powerful stories in history, this film captures perfectly the contrast between the humanContinue reading “Schindler’s List – The Kindness And Cruelty Of Man”

Meet Joe Black – What If Death Fell in Love with the Living

What it’s about Disguised as a human, Grim Reaper Joe Black comes to Earth to escort back the soul of media tycoon William Parrish. But Joe’s fascinating journey ends with him falling in love with William’s daughter. Why you should watch it What would happen if death fell in love with the living and theContinue reading “Meet Joe Black – What If Death Fell in Love with the Living”